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Ride the Hurricane


New This Year Registration: Riders can register between 10AM and 4PM Friday July 31 and Saturday August 1 at the Port Angeles Visitor Center located at 121 E. Railroad Ave. Day of Registration will open at 6AM Sunday morning at the Peninsula College Parking lot. Ride is limited to 800 riders.

New This Year: For our Vancouver Island guests, there will be registration on the 6:10AM Victoria departure of the Coho Ferry Sunday morning. This will allow cyclists to proceed directly to the ridge road without stopping at Peninsula College. The event will have a shuttle meet the ferry in Port Angeles for any riders that would like to have gear transported to the Peninsula College registration.

Hurricane Ridge Road closed for cyclists from: 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM road opens to the public at noon and all event participants are encouraged to be off the road at that time.

Event Description This unique event allows cyclists to have the famed Olympic National Park Hurricane Ridge Road all to themselves and free of vehicles from 7AM-noon.  This is not a race but a recreational ride open to all abilities and age.

Riders will have two options as to where they can start; either at the entrance gate by Heart Of The Hills Campground for a 24 mile round trip or from the base of the lower ridge road which is 36 miles round trip. The 24 mile round trip starts at roughly 1100 feet, and the 36 mile RT starts at 700 and the summit is at 5200’.  Registration for either ride option opens at 6AM at the Peninsula College parking lot. (Follow the signs) Riders may start the longer ride from the Peninsula College parking lot using the lower ridge road after registration, but the Heart Of The Hills access gate to the upper section of the Hurricane Ridge Road will not open until 7AM at which point all riders can proceed. FYI all riders must show the official event wrist band in order to proceed past Heart Of The Hills.

New This year is a third ride option for riders that want to ride from sea level to the Hurricane Ridge summit of 5200’. This additional portion will start at Peninsula College, then heads down Ennis Street to the former Rayonier Mill site where you can access the Olympic Discovery Trail. Take the ODT trail to Francis Street Park then head up Francis St. two blocks and turn left on Georgiana. Take Georgiana one block and turn right on Race Street and continue on Race to Hurricane Ridge. This additional portion will add 5 miles

The lower ridge road is not closed to traffic so please ride single file and be mindful of vehicles. The Ridge Road from the entrance station will be closed to vehicles except for a few event support vehicles so please be aware. Remember riders will be coming down at speed so it is important to ride in the right lane both going up and coming down.  The ridge road will open to traffic at noon so all event riders need to be off the road by this time.

An informal after ride party will take place from 10AM until 1PM at the Peninsula College parking lot and all riders are encouraged to stop by.

The event will supply 5 aid stations which will have water and snacks available along with portable toilets. The Summit House will be open and snacks and beverages will be available. Celebratory “I made it to the top” photos will also be taken and available on line after the event.

PreRegistration cost is a very reasonable $40. All riders are required to sign a waiver (follow link for waiver: http://www.portangeles.org/files/965.pdf ) and all riders must wear a cycling helmet. Signed waiver can be mailed or emailed to russ@portangeles.org or bring it to registration.

New This Year: The event uses wrist bands to identify a registered rider. This year many businesses are offering discounts and added value items to the Ride The Hurricane participants as a thank you for visiting Port Angeles and being part of the event. A list of the participating businesses will be available at the registration locations.


Start Date : August 2, 2015
End Date : August 2, 2015

Phone : 360-452-2363
Email : russ@portangeles.org

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Event Categories: Bicycling.

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