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Contributor Guidelines


Of our 105,000 monthly readers, 60 percent are female and 40 percent are male. We’ve found them to be affluent, college-educated 25- to 50-year-olds who count outdoor recreation and fitness as a major component in their lives. Approximately 82 percent of our readers say that OutdoorsNW is their source for outdoor information.


• Outdoor Recreation
• Adventure Travel
• Training Evaluation and Tips
• Health and Nutrition
• Local Outdoor News and Trends
• Local Athlete Profiles
• Local Outdoor Business Profiles
• Outdoor Fitness Product Reviews
• Book Reviews
• Humor/Essay


Writers for OutdoorsNW should adhere to Associated Press Stylebook guidelines (available in most bookstores).

Articles should involve readers and fuel the imagination, whatever the subject. Writers must employ a tone specific to the subject they are writing about. Lead sentences should grab the reader and never let go. Sentences should be direct and lean, yet packed with clear pictures, evoking sights, smells, tastes and other sensations. Descriptions should make use of figurative language—simile and metaphor—to make a direct connection with readers. All facts must be well-researched and supported by credible sources and examples. Vague generalizations should be avoided at all costs. Any highly technical terminology must be defined, preferably through the use of examples.

Since this type of writing rarely comes in the first draft, writers should be willing to re-work copy according to editor’s comments/suggestions.

Writers unfamiliar with OutdoorsNW should pick up a copy at any of its distribution points—bike shops, outdoor stores, coffee shops, libraries and book stores throughout Washington and Oregon. Sample copies are available by mail for $2.

Photographers & Illustrators

Stories with photographs or illustrations are preferred, but should be discussed with the editor before submission. High resolution digital photos at 300 dpi or larger are preferred.

When a photograph or illustration is deemed essential to the story but the writer is unable to contribute either, the editor may assign the task to a photographer or illustrator. Artists will receive a copy of the story and payment upon publication.

The editor invites freelance photographers/graphic artists to send examples of their work at any time. We are always looking for cover photos, which are printed on glossy paperstock and in color.


The editor will not necessarily read or respond to unsolicited manuscripts. Queries, either via mail (with writing samples, résumés and SASEs) or email work much better and will generally bring a response within 30 days. The editor can be reached at editor@goldtravelblog.com.

Once assigned by the editor, all stories and photos must arrive by their due dates via email. In all cases, include a word count, suggested headline, a list of resources (including books, Web sites and organizations relating to the subject at hand) and a one-sentence bio.

OutdoorsNW buys one-time rights exclusive in our market and pays upon publication. We will not accept art or articles published in or simultaneously submitted to a competing publication. All articles and photos published in OutdoorsNW will also be posted on the magazine’s Web site. Contributors will not be paid twice for submissions posted online and in print. Artists will receive a copy of the article and payment within 14 days of publication.

Payment Schedule

• News Brief 300 to 600 words—$25
• Article 650 to 1,000 words—$100
• Feature (Over 1,000 words)— $125
• Cover photograph—$125
• Inside photo—$35
• Illustration—$50-$75

Diane Rudholm
Managing Editor

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