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August, 2012
Running: Crewing for a 100-Mile Ultramarathon
August 22, 2012

For most runners, running a marathon represents the pinnacle of this sport’s achievement— an item for the bucket list. For a handful, however, the marathon is only a gateway drug to a more hardcore test of human endurance: the ultramarathon.
Features , Home , Recent Articles , Running
Climbing: Why Climb?
August 15, 2012

It was a life-affirming experience and one of my proudest achievements. It was just the beginning of an insatiable desire to climb more mountains in other states and countries. I pondered what was fueling that desire.
Climbing , Features , Home , Recent Articles
Weekender: Columbia River Gorge
August 8, 2012

Created by the epic Missoula Floods at the end of the last ice age, and navigated by Lewis and Clark in the early 1800s, the Columbia River Gorge offers up geologic and historic treasures galore.
Cycling , Features , Hiking , Home , Recent Articles , Travel
Web Exclusive: Kiss Me Dirty Mud Run
August 6, 2012

Kiss me dirty race series Female-only mud obstacle course run Portland Intl. Raceway 9.22.2012 Portland, Ore. Portion of proceeds benefits gynecological cancer research. www.kissmedirty.com/portland
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