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February, 2012
Bike Buzz: Chain Reaction
February 26, 2012

Dust off your bike and kick-start your bicycling season with a great line-up of tried and true Northwest events — starting with the 40th annual Chilly Hilly Feb. 26.
Outdoors NW Pick Up Point of the Month: Monkey Grind Espresso
February 23, 2012

Our winter issue is out and on the stands! This month, we’re featuring Monkey Grind Espresso in Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood, one of the many places you can pick up your free copy of Outdoors NW.
Escapes: Winter Picnics in Bend
February 22, 2012

In Central Oregon, winter can stretch from November well into April. Rather than hibernating inside, embrace the snow-covered trails near Bend with a cross-country ski or snowshoe adventure
Features , Home , Recent Articles , Snowsports , Travel
February 16, 2012 Buzz: Outdoors News Shorts
February 20, 2012

Next week Outdoors NW will be heading north to Alyeska Resort and Anchorage to scope out adventures for our readers and web followers. We’ll report back on ease of transportation from the lower 48, sample the mountain and the wares of several outfitters up north, and finally, head to the big city
Memorial at Leavenworth Ski Hill Wednesday, Feb. 22, 6-7 p.m.
February 19, 2012

Bring a headlamp to participate in a torchlight ski down the big hill at 6:45 p.m. to honor Chris Rudolph, Jim Jack and Johnny Brennan. The public is welcome. No ski pass or trail ticket is required.
Features , Home , Recent Articles , Snowsports , The OutdoorsNW Blog
Weekender: Hog Loppet
February 14, 2012

It snowed the entire day during my first Hog Loppet in 2008. The next year, the sun shone and I saw what I’d missed the first time. The scenery is spectacular along the mostly groomed 30-kilometer route that takes skiers on a rolling journey from the Mission Ridge Ski Area to Blewett Pass. When it’s clear, you can gorge yourself on a smorgasbord of Cascade views
Snowshoes: One size does not fit all
February 10, 2012

Snowshoes are no exception in the gender-specific designs that meet the distinct biomechanical needs of men, women and kids.
Getting Back Into Nordic Skiing
February 9, 2012

The last time I cross-country skied was in 2000 during a Seattle snowstorm. I skied from Seattle’s Queen Anne neighborhood to Magnolia, about a four-miler round-trip on hilly streets with light snow
Editor’s Note: Winter 2012
February 2, 2012

There’s a moment at the beginning of every ski day, just before I unload from the chairlift for that first run, which gives me a special thrill. It’s the thrill of anticipation of another great day ahead.
Features , Home , Recent Articles , Running , The OutdoorsNW Blog
Susan G. Komen suspends grants to Planned Parenthood
February 2, 2012

The nation’s largest breast cancer charity, and sponsor of many fundraising sports races and events, announced this week that it will be suspending grants to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screening and other breast health services.
February 2, 2012 Buzz: Outdoors News Shorts
February 1, 2012

The 2012 Rock ’n’ Roll Marathon has a new route. Say goodbye to busses to Tukwila: this year’s event will start and finish at Seattle Center. Also: Burke-Gilman Trail Re-Opening Delayed, Get ready to Hog Loppet, Climb for a Cause, more