Outdoors NW Pick Up Point of the Month: Monkey Grind Espresso


Monkey Grind Espresso
518 N. 85th Street, Greenwood, Seattle

Photo at right: Baristas extraordinaire: Karena, Kendall and Lisa with our latest issue. Photo by Hilary Meyerson

Our winter issue is out and on the stands! This month, we’re featuring Monkey Grind Espresso in Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood, one of the many places you can pick up your free copy of Outdoors NW. Karena, Kendall and Lisa are our favorite baristas there. We stopped by to chat and get some tasty drinks and snacks:

Monkey Grind Espresso, 518 N. 85th Street, Seattle, Outdoors NW pick up point of the month.

Their favorite drink to make:

Karena: “I like making mochas.”

Kendall: “Americanos.”

Lisa: “Definitely Americanos. They’re simple.”

Best part of being a barista:

Karena: “You just hang out and talk to people all day.”

Kendall: “I get to be myself completely. It’s the most wonderful job ever.”

Lisa: “The hours.”

What they like about Outdoors NW magazine:

Karena: “It gives you ideas for adventures.”

Kendall: “I like the giveaways.”

Lisa: “I like the photos. Also, I really like the socks on the cyclist on the cover.”

Stop in and say hi to them when you’re picking up your copy of Outdoors NW. Thanks for the pound cake, ladies!

>> Click here to see Monkey Grind Espresso on Facebook!

>> and their Web site: www.monkeygrind.com


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