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May, 2011
Submit your camp-friendly recipes
May 31, 2011
Hey readers, we need your help! We are doing a special Camping section in our July/August issue, and are looking for reader-submitted camp recipes to feature. Maybe you make a mean après-hike pot of chili, or perhaps you’re a master of morning pancakes by skillet.
May 26 Buzz: Outdoors News Shorts
May 25, 2011

North Cascades Highway reopened this week following one of the snowiest winters the North Cascades have seen in a long time . . .
• Support public lands when you “Add Your Own Scenery”
• National Trails Day is June 4
• Deadline approaching for Stevens Pass Bike Park Drop-In Alliance
NW Trails: Gorgeous Spring Wildflowers
May 19, 2011

The only thing surpassing the Columbia River Gorge’s stupendous waterfalls is its spring wildflower display. Blessed with abundant sunshine, the Gorge’s eastern reaches are painted from April through June in a brilliant mosaic of colors.
Beers to You
May 19, 2011

There’s nothing like a good beer after a heart-pumping run, bike, paddle or hike. And as the Pacific Northwest continues to get warmer and sunnier, après-activity beers are increasingly in order.
No small potatoes
May 18, 2011

If thoughts of Idaho conjure up images of plains and potatoes, think again. The northern panhandle region is home to towering mountains, glacial lakes and some of the most incredible outdoor family adventures you can imagine.
Trail Running Gear
May 18, 2011

When it comes to running in general, the beauty of the sport lies in the fact that you need so very little to get started. Even shoes, it seems these days, are optional.
Features , Gear Reviews , Misc , Reviews , Running
TriMonroe invites pros and amateurs to rub shoulders
May 17, 2011

If you want to experience the exhilaration of a world class triathlon without shelling out big bucks for a ticket to Hawaii, this summer is your chance. From June 25-26, the city of Monroe, Washington will welcome professional and amateur triathletes alike to compete in a unique weekend of Olympic distance races.
Celebrating Bike to Work Month in May
May 17, 2011

National Bike to Work Week starts May 16 and ends with National Bike to Work Day Friday, May 20. There are lots of celebrations and activities around the Puget Sound area and across the region this month. Enjoy – and be safe out there!
Bike Swapper: I Can Fly!
May 17, 2011

I can fly! When I get on my bike and head down Seattle’s Woodland Park Avenue from 45th Street to 34th Street, it feels like I have wings and I can fly. It is the reason that I ride my bike.
TransRockies Run
May 17, 2011

As the air grew thin in the high Colorado Rockies, conversation ceased and my breathing grew more labored. I focused on the trail shoes and muscled calves of the runner just ahead of me
Northwest Beer Festival Guide
May 17, 2011

The Pacific Northwest may well be the center of the craft beer universe – or at least in the U.S. – judging by the number of small brewpubs, as well as the nearly religious fanaticism with which beer lovers treat the region.
Features , Misc , Recent Articles , Travel
The 2011 Gnarly Awards
May 17, 2011

With many years of running and roughly 100 races (run or volunteered) under our collective belts, our panel met up over dinner and a couple pitchers to hammer out the categories, nominees, and most memorable Northwest courses our legs have carried us over.
Choosing the Right Hiking Pass
May 17, 2011

What pass will you need this summer to park at your favorite trailhead? If the recent passage of a new user fee for Washington state recreation lands has you scrambling to figure out which passes you’ll need this summer, you’re not alone.
Catching up with James Varner
May 17, 2011

You’d be hard-pressed to find a trail runner in the Pacific Northwest who doesn’t know, or at least know about, James Varner. The 33-year-old fireball of energy can be found at the dozen races he directs each year under the name Rainshadow Running, usually clad in plaid flannel, bleary-eyed from lack of sleep, but never without a grin on his face.
Bend: Trail Town USA
May 17, 2011

For every athlete in every discipline, there is a Mecca. Ski bums gravitate to Jackson Hole, mountain bikers go to Moab, and surfers flock to Oahu. For trail running enthusiasts, the mother lode lies in Bend.
Features , Recent Articles , Running , Travel
Beer-Geek Speak
May 17, 2011

Alcohol By Weight (ABW) and Alcohol By Volume (ABV): After Prohibition in America, breweries wanted their beers to seem more temperate, so they used the alcohol-content-measurement system that provided the lowest number, which is ABW (alcohol is lighter than water).
Features , Misc , Recent Articles , Travel