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April, 2013
Weekender: Plain, Washington
April 30, 2013

Plain, Wash. is a no-frills kind of place. With one market, one hardware store, and two restaurants, this unpretentious town in the heart of the Wenatchee River Valley offers tranquility and outstanding wilderness access
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NW Trails: Trail Running Ross Lake
April 26, 2013

I’ve hiked along Ross Lake’s shores and to peaks hovering above it to bask in its glory. But to fully appreciate its magnitude, I decided I would run along its 32 miles—from end to end.
Features , Hiking , Home , Recent Articles , Running
Fun Runs: Themed Runs
April 24, 2013

Once upon a time, races were only for hard-core runners. No longer. Today, there has been a proliferation of themed races that appeal to everyone . . .
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Seattle: Carbon neutral by 2050?
April 23, 2013

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions This past Monday was Earth Day, and the Seattle City Council honored it by announcing a new initiative: the Climate Action Plan. Its bold goal is carbon neutrality by the year 2050. This is not a finalized plan – rather, the Council is seeking input from citizens on how to reduce [...]
Eat Mobile
April 23, 2013

Mobile Food Carts Photo at right: Get some Thai Iced Tea ice cream at the Scoop Handmade Ice Cream truck. Photo courtesy Amanda Rhodes. Most people agree that Portland has the street food scene down to a science. They’ve got more than 400 mobile eateries to choose from. This Saturday, nearly 50 will gather for [...]
Puget Sound Bike Share Announces Launch
April 23, 2013

Here’s another reason Seattle’s cycle profile is on the rise! Already known as being a leader in environmental responsibility . . .
Health Nut: Car-less Commuting
April 22, 2013

Run or bike to work: save money, save the planet and get in shape. It sounds like there’s no down side, so why aren’t we all actively commuting?
Cycling , Features , Fitness , Home , Recent Articles , The OutdoorsNW Blog
NW Kids: Camping in National Parks
April 22, 2013

Poll my kids on their favorite outdoor vacations, and they’ll give you a long list of national park campgrounds, lodges, and cabins. A national park vacation is appealing to parents too . . .
Camping , Features , Hiking , Home , Recent Articles , The OutdoorsNW Blog , Travel
Buzz: Outdoor News Shorts, April 2013
April 19, 2013

Inflatable SUP, Stylish waterproof boots, Golazo! energy drinks, Virtual Racing, TevaSphere: A step forward from Teva, Osprey Kode 22 pack
Great Urban Race in Seattle May 18 See the video
April 17, 2013

Local Residents Use Wit and Endurance in Uniquely Challenging Foot Race
North Cascades Pass opens
April 16, 2013
SR 20, the North Cascades Highway, was scheduled to open on Tuesday, April 16 at 1 p.m. Washington State Department of Transportation road crews started work clearing the pass on March 25. Two crews worked from the east side and the west side, clearing snow and fallen trees until they met in the middle on [...]
Portland’s Cheers to Belgian Beers is this weekend!
April 16, 2013

Raise your glass for Belgian brews! Here’s your chance to try over 50 Belgian style beers, all brewed in Oregon. The event will be at Metalcraft Fabrication, at 723 N. Tillamook Street in Portland on Friday and Saturday, April 19-20. Admission is free, but a tasting glass (required) with five drink tickets is $15. A [...]
Stevens Pass extends season
April 16, 2013
New snow! The snow just won’t quit. Stevens Pass got another late-season dump that dropped nearly two feet of snow in a 48-hour period on April 13-14. This means Stevens is going to stay open for one more weekend, April 20-21. “This latest spring storm has created some phenomenal late-season conditions here at Stevens Pass,” [...]
Mt. Bachelor Clears Appeal Period
April 16, 2013

Ski Area Improvement It looks like the Mt. Bachelor Ski Area Improvement Project is going forward! No appeals were filed with the Deschutes National Forest during the 45-day appeal period which ended April 1, 2013. “This makes the completion of a long process,” said Dave Rathbun, Mt. Bachelor’s president and general manager. The plan calls [...]
Outdoors NW Flower power bike winner!
April 16, 2013

Congratulations to Richard Luetkenhaus who was the lucky winner of the hippy-dippy flower power Electra cruiser bike featured on the cover of the 2013 NW Cyclist!
Outdoors NW 2013 Annual Event Guide is out!
April 15, 2013

Read about our 25 years serving the Outdoors Community. Get your copy at your local bike shop, REI, or many other pick up points. Find out where to get your copy here.
Sports Medicine: Healthy Hip Movement Promotes a Healthy Back for Cyclists
April 15, 2013

A recent report concluded that back pain is more common than severe headaches or allergies in the United States.
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NW Cyclist: Resources
April 12, 2013

A selection of resources to keep your gears turning. Compiled by Hilary Meyerson. Street closures, maps, stolen bikes, reporting potholes, favorite blogs, tweeters and other bikey stuff.
Cycling , Features , Home , Recent Articles , The OutdoorsNW Blog
NW Cyclist Buzz: 2013 Cycling News Shorts
April 10, 2013

NW Cycling News Shorts for 2013: Sweet Ride for the Ladies, Obliteride takes Seattle by storm, Cyclepedia comes to Portland, The Sperm Bike, Cycle Greater Yellowstone, Pedal Powered Talk Show celebrates anniversary
Pickup Point of the Month:
Bike N Hike in Portland, Ore.
April 9, 2013

Our Pickup Point of the Month is Bike N Hike, in Portland, Ore. Bike N Hike has six locations in Oregon, and is a Northwest favorite.
Cycling , Features , Hiking , Home , Recent Articles , The OutdoorsNW Blog
NW Cyclist: Castle Rock Bike Park
April 8, 2013

Looking for your inspirational bike story of the day? Look no further than the Castle Rock Bike Park. This amazing bike skills park in Cowlitz County in southwest Washington is the definition of a grass-roots effort.
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Profile: Kathleen Emry, Free Range Cycles
April 5, 2013

As I rode up to the small square building that houses Free Range Cycles in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood, owner Kathleen Emry was just taking a newly-assembled bike out for a test ride.
Cycling , Features , Home , Recent Articles
Ski Dazzle comes to Seattle this fall!
April 4, 2013

In what is expected to energize Seattle snow enthusiasts, longtime Ski Dazzle® snow-show promoters have recently purchased the existing Seattle Ski Fever Show from promoters Dan and Rebecca Schindler.
Features , Home , Recent Articles , Snowsports , The OutdoorsNW Blog
Edmonds Conquer the Hill 5K
April 3, 2013

It’s not too early to plan for a May run – especially when it’s in conjunction with a Health and Fitness Expo. The City of Edmonds Parks and Recreation is holding its Conquer the Hill 5k on May 18.
Cycling Northern Idaho
April 3, 2013

Scenery, wildlife, and 72 miles of high-mountain splendor is what you get when you ride the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes in North Idaho.
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Tap Water Challenge
April 2, 2013

Mount Rainier National Park Superintendent Randy King issued a statement last week announcing the park’s intent to install water bottle fill stations
San Juan Islands celebrate National Monument status
April 2, 2013

Washington residents celebrated on Monday, April 1, with some of the officials who made their new National Monument status possible. Guests at public celebrations in Anacortes and on Lopez Island included . . .
Features , Home , Recent Articles , The OutdoorsNW Blog , Travel
Mountain biking is growing among women and girls
April 1, 2013

In July of last year, 60 women ripped through Duthie Hill Park in Issaquah, Wash. for the Northwest’s first two-day women-only freeride event.
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