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April, 2011
Team LUNA Chix
April 24, 2011

Let’s face it: the cycling world can sometimes be a little bit intimidating for women. If you’re not comfortable with the gear and the lingo…
Miles of Smiles: Victoria’s Galloping Goose
April 24, 2011

The voyage across the Strait of Juan de Fuca didn’t bode well. My husband and I looked forward to spending a weekend cycling around Victoria, British Columbia with our two school-age sons, but…
Alternative Fitness
April 23, 2011

Making the decision to be active isn’t the hard part. It’s deciding how to be active that serves up a real challenge. With cities, mountains, volcanoes…
Folding Bikes: Just unfold and go!
April 12, 2011

Scott Kralik of Seattle is an avid cyclist, but it wasn’t until he traveled to China that he considered buying a folding bike. “I saw small bikes and folding bikes all over the place,” says Kralik…
Kids’ Triathlons: Strong and growing
April 12, 2011

An increasing number of local triathlons are including events for junior competitors. Kids’ events are generally shorter than adult competitions and are adjusted for specific age classes…
April 12, 2011

Eschewing the grand sight of Mount Baker to the best of my ability, I crouched into a tall boulder on Sucia Island known as “the birth canal.” I soon learned the reason for this odd nomenclature as I scaled its internal slippery walls…
Why you should “Separate Water Molecules”
April 12, 2011

You’re at this end of the pool, preparing to swim to that end. How will you get there? “Silly question,” you say. “I’ll get there by pulling and kicking.” Well, a quick lesson in “fluid mechanics”…
Why are Girls on the Run?
April 12, 2011

I remember one of my first pair of “tennie runners“ when I was a young girl. They had photos of the Beatles’ faces all over their white canvas. Wow, did I think those were cool…
When you ‘Half’ to Run
April 12, 2011

Half marathons are the hip and happening race distance in the running world right now, sometimes as a 13.1-mile stand-alone distance garnering tens of thousands of runners, sometimes selling out ahead of their full 26.2-mile counterparts…
Sports Nutrition
April 12, 2011

Sports Nutrition philosophies vary and many include short-cuts, such as meal-replacement foods. While practical, and perhaps cost-effective, nothing replaces good solid nutritional fundamentals when approaching sports performance…
The Lowdown on Cotton Socks
April 12, 2011

People often spend plenty of time looking for the perfect shoe. But few take the time to find the perfect sock. That’s too bad, because if you don’t pair the proper sock with your shoe, you’ll increase your risk of blisters…
Oregon’s Giant Sandbox
April 11, 2011

The Oregon dunes are the largest expanse of coastal sand dunes in the U.S. and stretch for 50 miles between Florence and Coos Bay along the famous Oregon coast…
Spring Training in Threes
April 11, 2011

With the long, sunshine-filled days of summer stretching ahead, you might be giving some thought to ramping up your fitness level this spring. Like a supportive friend, the Northwest is here for you…
Features , Fitness , Multisport , Running
Ski to Sea: Epic Race Celebrates 100 years!
April 11, 2011

The Ski to Sea Race every Memorial Weekend is seen as the kickoff to summer in Whatcom County. In 2011, the week-long festivities will celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the original race…
Crave to Carve: Snowboarding is for Grown-ups, Too
April 11, 2011

Snowboarding is no longer the exclusive domain of the “yo, dude” grungsters with baggy pants and oversize parkas. The roles have reversed in recent years with 30-, 40-, and 50-year-olds carving down the slopes …
A Little Avalanche Education goes a long way
April 11, 2011

Our winters here in the Northwest may be wet and short on daylight, but that’s no excuse to not go play in the mountains. Be aware, however, that the dangers of winter adventuring generally outnumber those in other seasons…
Become a Backcountry Gourmet
April 11, 2011

If you’re like me, you have a kitchen cupboard that’s designated for camping food: Bags of dried beans, powdered milk, granola, pasta, instant oatmeal and (most importantly) chocolate bars the shelves…
NW Trails: Chasing Waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge
April 11, 2011

It’s autumn in the Pacific Northwest which means it’s time to go chasing waterfalls! With the return of the rainy season, thousands of rivers and creeks flowing through and down our mountains are getting recharged..
Winter at Lake Crescent Lodge
April 11, 2011

The Olympic Peninsula and I are like comfortable friends sharing stories of summer hiking in the Olympics, biking and running along the North Olympic Discovery Trail, visiting lavender farms in Sequim and taking side trips to Victoria…
Features , Snowsports , Travel
Digital Edition Launches
April 9, 2011

We’ve added a digital edition to our Outdoors NW family of resources. What does this mean to you? It means that our entire publication is now reproduced online in basically the same format as it is in print…
Top Notch in the Northwest
April 8, 2011

Need any more reasons to love where you live? We’ve noticed a surge in the number of national and local awards being doled out to local Northwest companies, events, and even cities themselves. The Northwest is known not only…
Popularity of Mountain Bike Trails Continues to Climb
April 6, 2011

Northwest mountain ranges as well as forward-thinking visionaries, offer mountain bike enthusiasts a wide variety of trails to ride. We’ve checked out what’s new and what’s on the horizon for 2011 riding…
Show Your Bike Some Love
April 5, 2011

Your bike does so many wonderful things for you — like keeping you in shape and getting you around — but what have you done for your bike lately…
From the Depths of Grief to the Tops of Mountains
April 3, 2011

How did a yoga instructor, a Greenlake café owner, and a documentary team all wind up at the summit of Mount Rainier one August day? The answer is an organization called Climb for Kids, and the story begins…
NW Mountaineering Icons
April 3, 2011

Mount Rainier rises majestically from the surrounding landscape, its imposing white summit jutting 14,410 feet into the sky. The glaciated volcano is known to many climbing enthusiasts as simply “The Mountain.” Only 65 percent…
In Pursuit of Beautiful Sunrises
April 3, 2011

What would you expect of a man who currently holds the record for most summits of the icy, majestic, and often, unforgiving Mount Rainier? While many accounts…