OutdoorsNW reaches a niche targeted audience of active, outdoor participants and enthusiasts. Through a variety of our digital marketing channels, you can add quality to your marketing campaign. Call us today for rates and information.
Web Site
115,000+ page views/month
66,000+ visitors/month
1.75 page views/visit
Web Advertising – competitively priced; call for specs and rate sheet
Embedded linked ads within stories
24 E-Newsletters annually reach a quality opt-in audience.
E-Advertisements analysis:
7,000 Recipients
20% Open Rate
22.3% Clicks
2.8% Bounce
“You’ve been great, business ran fast and smooth with you. If only every business partnership could go as smoothly as this.”
~ Amanda J. Kaestner, Linkbuilding.net
Digital Edition
Magazine Ad Dynamically Linked
Video and Rich Media Marketing
Competitively Priced — Call for Rates
Social Media
Bundle our social media opportunities into your marketing campaign!
Inquire as to how we can expand your program even more!
Contact us for details and rates.
Call: (206) 418-0747