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OutdoorsNW 2015 Dog Photo Contest

We want your dog photos in the pages of our 2015 July/August Hiking edition.

Submit your photos by midnight, June 1, 2015, of those awesome (and in focus!) shots of your pooch doing something cool outdoors!

Sorry, but we will not be accepting “cute mug” shots of dogs, nor will we accept photos of dogs inside anything other than a tent or a car.  All photos must be of dogs in action outside.

Humans allowed in the photo too, but they must be in action as well.

One per day per dog per photographer. The prize is seeing your pooch in print.

No downloadable links please.

Note: Photos submitted will be used on Social Media.

The Rules for the OutdoorsNW magazine Dog Photo Contest

  • Contest is open to adults over the age of 18 in Washington state, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and southern British Columbia, Canada.
  • Entries must be sent via the submission link below.
  • One photo per day, per dog, per photographer.
  • Photos MUST be of dogs in action — hiking, swimming, running, chasing the ball, catching a disc or a toy, competing in an obstacle course or race, playing in the snow, shaking off water, etc.
  • We will not accept “cute mug” shots of dogs. We will also not accept photos of dogs inside anything other than a tent or a car.  Photos of dogs must show dogs in action (as described above) or show evidence of having been in action — muddy, wet, ball or toy in mouth, doggy backpack on or near dog, wiped out and asleep, etc.
  • By submitting photos to the contest, you verify that you are the photographer AND copyright holder for each photo submitted and have the legal authority to assign reprint rights to Gold Travel Blog, Inc., for the purpose of this contest. You may not submit photos that you have paid a professional to take.
  • Photo contest is open to both amateur and professional photographers. Photo(s) submitted must not have been previously published elsewhere. Photographers submitting photo(s) must not have ever received compensation for photos being submitted into this dog photo contest sponsored by Gold Travel Blog, Inc.
  • Judging is done by Gold Travel Blog, Inc. staff. Winners will be notified via email. All decisions are final.
  • No staff or family members of Gold Travel Blog, Inc. are allowed to participate in any photo contest sponsored by Gold Travel Blog, Inc.
  • By entering, you agree to allow Gold Travel Blog to 1) use the submitted photo in the July/August 2015 Hiking edition of OutdoorsNW magazine. You also agree to allow Gold Travel Blog to display your submitted photos on the web site (http://www.OutdoorsNW.com) for the purpose of a) displaying the submissions to and/or results of this contest; b) promoting this or future photo contests.
  • You agree to allow Gold Travel Blog to display your name and submitted photos on our social media platforms such as our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/OutdoorsNWmagazine), Twitter page (https://twitter.com/OutdoorsNWMag)  and Pinterest pages (https://www.pinterest.com/outdoorsnw/).
  • Winning prize is having your photo in print inside the July/August Hiking Edition of OutdoorsNW magazine. Depending on pending sponsorship, there may be an actual prize for a photo used on the cover page.
  • By entering, you agree to receive an occasional email message as part of our newsletter.
  • Best of all, it is FREE to enter!
  • Photos must be a minimum of 300 pixels per inch (ppi).

Entries must be sent via the link to the submission form below. You must click the I Agree box on the submission page to successfully submit your photo. By clicking on the I Agree box you acknowledge that you have read and agree with the rules of the Gold Travel Blog, Inc., Dog Photo Contest.

>>Click here to enter


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