Editor’s Note: March/April 2012

It’s event planning time
By Hilary Meyerson
Quick, do you know what you’re doing on May 12? July 10? Sept. 3? If you’re like me, sometimes it’s tough to figure out what you’re having for dinner, much less how you are spending a weekend four months from now.
However, lots of great events in the Northwest require a little planning. We don’t recommend trying the McKenzie River 50k ultra-marathon in September without having put on the old trail running shoes a few times first. Likewise, you might not want to try the De Fuca Downwind race in Port Angeles on your first day with a paddle.
Alternatively, how many of you have mentally planned to participate in a ride or triathlon, only to find out you’ve been shut out of registration, because it filled up three weeks ago? Don’t worry, we can help out. Our Annual Event Calendar has everything you need to know to plan a great 2012.
We’ve got rides and runs, swims and paddles, hikes and hunts. Don’t just peruse your old favorites—challenge yourself to something new—an orienteering challenge or a stair climb.
We list a ton of other outdoor events as well, from beach cleanups to competitive doggy games. There is sure to be something to interest you, no matter what time of year. In the Northwest, our choices for outdoor adventures are endless—and our event calendar is your best tool to choosing a few.
We’re also adding and updating our online calendar frequently. Check it out at www.OutdoorsNW.com/Event
In this edition you will also find several great features. If you’re looking for weekend activities that don’t involve a bib number, look no further. Craig Romano has a great article about some easy hikes to Washington lighthouses for your scenic enjoyment. Also, don’t miss our guide to the top attractions in Snohomish County. We’ve also got a great idea for a Weekender getaway—Cottage Grove, Ore.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get out my own calendar and start planning. It looks like registration has opened for another mud run, and I don’t want to get shut out.
~Hilary Meyerson