Editor’s Note: NW Cyclist 2012


Cyclists — Our crazy extended family

By Hilary Meyerson

Biking season never really ends in the Northwest—it just gets a burst of renewed energy every year around this time.

Bikes that have only seen a few rides since the beginning of the year, if at all, get wheeled out and taken for their annual tune up. Cyclists start rummaging in bags to do inventory on patch kits and C02 cartridges, which usually results in a trip to the bike shop where the siren call of new gear is heard.

Posters for new rides catch our eye, and pretty soon we’ve signed up for more than we can possibly do. (I may be speaking from personal experience here.) On days when I’m not riding, or waiting for the days to lengthen, I’m online connecting with other cyclists, reading blogs and catching up on cycling news.

The biking community is like a crazy extended family—some I love with a passion, some make me roll my eyes, others make me laugh. Regardless of differing viewpoints, I can’t help wanting to catch up on what all of them are doing.

The Northwest has so much cycling news, it’s hard to contain in just this one annual edition of NW Cyclist—no worries, you can find much more on our website (www.goldtravelblog.com).

On these pages you’ll find updates on Seattle’s Burke-Gilman Trail, Bend’s hottest and only cycle tour that features a beverage dispensing tap for 12, and an update on Oregon’s pioneering Scenic Bikeway program.

Don’t miss our mountain bike feature on the McKenzie River Trail or our list of Top 10 Classic Northwest Rides. We’ve also compiled a list of online resources for you to check out on the days you can’t jump on the saddle, blogs to read to keep your cycling obsession rolling, and new swoon-worthy gear we know you’ll covet.

Meanwhile, I hope to see you all at events this summer kicking off with the Seattle Bike Expo and the PDX Bicycle Show. Look for our Outdoors NW tent and come over and say hello. While there are lots of new ways for cyclists to connect, nothing beats face-to-face. It’s great to see a familiar face out on a ride when you’re stopping for a water break or fixing a flat. It’s one of the benefits of being in this crazy extended family we call cyclists.

See you on the trails.

~Hilary Meyerson

Email Hilary…


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