Susan G. Komen suspends grants to Planned Parenthood


Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation ends partnership with Planned Parenthood.

The nation’s largest breast cancer charity, and sponsor of many fundraising sports races and events, announced this week that it will be suspending grants to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screening and other breast health services. The foundation states that the suspension is due to an investigation of Planned Parenthood that was launched by conservative Representative Cliff Stearns, R-Fla. So far, two Democratic members of Congress, including Washington State’s Patty Murray have denounced the action. “I am extremely disappointed that politics is once again coming between women and their health-care needs. Breast-cancer screenings should not be a political issue, and I am very concerned that this decision by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation will cut women off from the health-care providers they rely on for critical preventive care,” said Murray. “At the heart of this issue is the shameful ‘investigation’ of Planned Parenthood by House Republicans trying to score political points and appease their extreme right-wing base. Komen should not allow these sort of partisan games to put women across America at risk.” The news brought swift and passionate reactions on Twitter (see #Komen discussion) and Facebook. We’ll be watching to see how the news impacts registration and participation at Northwest races and events.

Online poll:

In the comments, please let us know whether the news will impact your decision to participate in Komen-sponsored events, such as Race for the Cure or the Breast Cancer 3-day. We will report the results on Monday, Feb. 6.


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  1. L Miller, 3 years ago

    It definitely tarnishes the feeling of “doing good for society” that the Komen Foundation once stood for in my eyes. I wouldn’t want to wear a shirt or anything bearing the Komen Foundation name lest people think that I endorse their conservative politics.

    Planned Parenthood is a very important resource to our communities that benefits the health of women and their families, and that alone is something that I thought the Komen Foundation would understand.

  2. LM, 3 years ago

    I might do the komen 5k chip timed run, but I wont be fundraising for them anymore. Now, if I can find a 5k run to do the same month instead, I will do that instead.

  3. David, 3 years ago

    I co-chair a community service committee for the 1,200+ strong local chapter of a national organization. Prior to this development, I was considering suggesting a SGK event for our members to participate in, but no longer.

  4. John E. Riutta, 3 years ago

    As one who has walked in their events, I think I would have to say that their actions in regard to Planned Parenthood – be those actions either astonishingly ignorant or blatantly political (I know not which) – will certainly make me think twice about participating in one in the future. I’m not quite sure they fully understand how much damage they have done to their reputation with this one foolish decision.

  5. Lisa, 3 years ago

    I had seriously considered participating in the Breast Cancer 3-day walk in the near future (this year or next) however, I will no longer consider doing so due to their actions today. In college I used Planned Parenthood for a variety of reasons since I did not have health insurance, and their services were affordable to a college-aged student. How sad politics are once again getting in the way of women’s health care.

  6. Stacia Lee, 3 years ago

    I am thoroughly disgusted that the Susan G Komen has allowed politics to interfere with providing life saving screening for women who cannot afford it. I will not be supporting the Komen foundation in way shape or form, any money I would have spent to support them will now be going to planned parenthood.

  7. Tammie, 3 years ago

    I won’t be donating to support Komen participants this year. My funds will go directly to Planned Parenthood.

  8. Jill, 3 years ago

    Yes, my husband and I have decided to never run the Race for the Cure again. I have thought of doing the 3-Day, and that’s off the table as well. I think it’s tragic that I used to think of Susan G Komen as a leader. Now I just thinking they’re pandering fools. I’m so disappointed in them. Thanks for writing this article – I think this is really important.

  9. Jim, 3 years ago

    I will not participate in future Komen events.

  10. Amy, 3 years ago

    I’m not liking the sound of this. I think we’ll have to do our own investigation before deciding if Komen events are really worth our time, and financial support.

  11. David, 3 years ago

    I co-chair the Community Service committee for a local chapter of a national organization with 1,200+ members in the W. WA area. Prior to this development, I’d planned on suggesting we try to get as many of our members to do an SGK event for both the charitable work and, honestly, for the PR.
    Now, I won’t be doing so…

  12. Dave, 3 years ago

    I’ve entered my comment twice, now, and I neither see it nor anyone else’. Are you not letting people read the entries?

    • Editor, 3 years ago

      You should be able to see the comments now!

  13. Bonnie Parrish-Kell, 3 years ago

    I’m in complete agreement with Sen. Murray. I am so very disappointed that such a well-known and respected organization is not living up to its mission against breast cancer.

    I am also furious! These insulting and hypocritical political shenanigans will lead to more needless deaths of women by denying them access to affordable and viable health and medical care.

    I’m taking Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure off my 2012 event list this year and will now look to support another breast cancer/women’s health efforts.

  14. Bill, 3 years ago

    I already refrain from supporting Komen as I’ve seen their marketing overwhelm their mission. From their choice to enforce trademarking on the “For the Cure” phrase, to the nagging suspicion that they’re just a conduit to feed money to drug companies, to the cynical knowledge that if we really do find a cure, they’d all be out of a job… this move is just another disappointment. Effective leaders in great organizations follow a solid mission and do not waver, regardless of political pressure. My donation dollars go elsewhere.

  15. Jean, 3 years ago

    I was planning to donate and/or participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the cure, but after this announcement, I will not.

  16. mary, 3 years ago

    Pretty disgusted at their decisions. Donations directly to Planned Parenthood in the future!

  17. CM, 3 years ago

    I will not donate anymore $ or participate in any of their events

  18. Pamela, 3 years ago

    I’ve been a supporter of the 3-Day and Komen for years, but this is shameful and appalling behavior. Unfortunate. I will no longer donate or support any of their events.

  19. Erin, 3 years ago

    I will not be participating in, or donating to, any Komen Foundation events. I’d like to know if there are any races organized for proceeds to go to Planned Parenthood. I would imagine lots of folks would participate!

  20. Tamara, 3 years ago

    I will no longer participate in SGK events, fundraise, donate or wear a pink ribbon. PP will get the money I would have donated to SGK.

  21. ed mcmahon, 3 years ago

    Sorry but I have always donated and supported runners but not now.

  22. Marcy, 3 years ago

    I agree with Seator Murray and will donate to another women’s health organization.
    How disappointing.

  23. Sergio Cataldo, 3 years ago

    I saw the Komen CEO, Jan Brinker on tv today lie her ass off trying to backtrack from their decision. Komen has a new VP from Georgia who is a big anti-abortion activist. The decision to deep six Planned Parenthood was their capitulation to the religious lunatics who want to force their views on our country the same way the Taliban impose their will on all who have different views.

    My position on the Komen is no way, no how, and no time will I, or my family give, support, or participate in any event they sponsor.

  24. S Peterson, 3 years ago

    I will not be participating or donating to Komen this year.

  25. Lisa, 3 years ago

    SGK will no longer receive support from me. This decision alone is enough to impact my decisions regarding donations, but on top of that, it’s opened my eyes to a number of other questionable practices by SGK. This is no longer an organization that I’m comfortable donating to.

  26. marianne taylor, 3 years ago

    I will not support Komen races or support funding.

  27. GGA, 3 years ago

    According to their tax returns, Komen donates only 20% of its money to breast cancer research. Komen’s top executives make ~ $500k/year. 11% goes towards employee salaries; 50% towards “public awareness,” i.e., advertising. I wouldn’t donate to an inefficient charity like this. No more for Susan for me, either, thanks.'s_Race_Is_For_Money,_Not_Cure__/

  28. Carley, 3 years ago

    Please keep thorwing these posts up they help tons.


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