Bybee Timber Sale proposed

Could Impact Environment
Photo at right: Rafting on the Rogue River. Photo by Sandra Kennedy
Environmentalists are upset by a proposed timber sale on the doorstep of Crater Lake National Park and near the headwaters of the Rogue River in Oregon. If approved, the sale would generate 45 million board feet of timber from the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest between Prospect and Crater Lake National Park.
The current forest supervisor asserts the logging project would help the overall health of the forest and reduce wildfire danger, in addition to providing the state with valuable resources. Environment Oregon, an environmental group, says the clear-cut will pollute the Rogue, as well as damage a fragile ecosystem and adversely affect wildlife such as Roosevelt elk, black bears, eagles and salmon. The comment period is open until Feb. 28, for citizens to weigh in on this sale.
Click here to sign petition against the sale
Jack, 1 year ago
Whomever wrote this puff piece is no journalist, but simply a mouthpiece for the tree-huggers. There is not a SINGLE clearcut proposed with this project, but they fear that if the public knew the truth, they would not send money or oppose the project. You guys should work for the Star, or some similarly reputable rag.
Editor, 1 year ago
Hi Jack. Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective. I invite you to send your respectful counter-thoughts as a letter to the editor. Please note in your letter than you are responding to an article from February 21, 2013, and include any resources that could help others make more balanced assessments in the future.
Thanks again, and happy New Year!