Pybus Market to open in Wenatchee

Photo at right courtesy of Pybus Market
Five-foot tall neon red letters will be glowing over the Columbia River this spring, promoting the new Pybus Market in downtown Wenatchee. Pybus Market is a remodeled historic steel warehouse located adjacent to the popular Apple Capital Loop Trail. The 26,000 square foot building will house a year-round Wenatchee Valley farmers market as well as restaurants, wine and food vendors and local craftsmen.
Cyclists riding the Loop Trail can rack their bikes at the Market and enjoy the amenities, including a fully renovated 31-foot, 1973 Airstream trailer where they can walk up and order coffee and espresso.
Oh, and those neon red letters?
Pybus Market officials expect the red neon signs, secured 30 feet high atop the building, to become as much a landmark as the famous sign that signals the entrance to Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Same font, in fact. When it opens, Pybus Market will be the second largest covered, year-round public market in Washington State, exceeded only by Pike Place Market.
Pybus Market is scheduled to open in mid-May.
(Editor’s Note: Wenatchee will be our featured travel destination in our upcoming March/April edition of Outdoors NW.)