Brooks Survey: Running Increases Sex Appeal



To celebrate National Running Day, Burien-based (soon to be Seattle-based) Brooks Running Company connected with runners across the country to find out what their favorite sports means to others. The company’s second annual Brooks Run Happy Nation Report, reveals the positive (and sometimes steamy) impact of running both on and off the road.

Could the running path lead to love? If you’re lucky! According to the survey, 76 percent of all runners (84 percent of males) believe that people look sexy when they’re running and three-quarters agree that they’d be more attracted to someone if they found out he or she was a runner. Turning thoughts into action, half of all surveyed (51 percent) have used running as their pick-up line.

Running even has the power to get the muscles in our brain working. Have you ever hit the pavement in search of inspiration? You’re not alone. The survey found 83 percent of respondents agree they come up with their best ideas while running. So, the next time you get stuck, lace up those shoes and hit the road.

“Our mission at Brooks is to inspire everyone to run and be active, and I can’t find much better inspiration than the results of this survey,” said Heather Snavely, Brooks’ senior director of global brand. “Who doesn’t want to feel healthier, smarter and sexier? And all you need to do is put on a pair of running shoes and log some miles? What are we waiting for, let’s lace up and go!”

More fun revelations about motivators, must-have gear and other sex and relationship tidbits were uncovered just as the temperature heats up for summer running season.

Race to the bedroom

Runners are getting hot and sweaty, on and off the road:
The couple that runs together stays together. An overwhelming majority (71 percent) of guys and gals believe running together as a couple plays a part in their sex life, for better or worse. Surprise, surprise – more men (75 percent) than women (68 percent) bragged that logging miles together as a couple increased their mileage between the sheets.

Performance on the road trumps performance between the sheets according to 57 percent of respondents. Ladies more so than their male counterparts (63 percent vs. 37 percent) admit to being more confident while pounding the pavement.

Take a run, jog the brain

Sure, running keeps you fit, but the other reasons for jogging run the gamut.

Are you city or country? According to the survey, where you run may impact your idea-generation. City dwellers reported more run-fueled thoughts than rural residents (88 percent vs. 79 percent).The fresh air is also key with more respondents reporting their ideas came to them in the great outdoors (85 percent) vs. inside (76 percent).

Just need to clear your head? More than half of respondents (56 percent) run to clear out the cobwebs and hit refresh.

Rain or shine, getting out of the house ranks high as a motivator for 45 percent of female respondents, compared to 37 percent of males.

On track with technology

Tapping into technology on the running path is a must for most.

Always connected? An overwhelming majority (78 percent) of respondents consider technology a running staple. That number rockets to 92 percent among the younger generation (18-24 years).

Smartphones lead the pack as the must-have piece of running technology for 41 percent, with iPod (36 percent) and stopwatch (19 percent) closely following.

Asked to pick a top tune to play on repeat for all 26.2 miles of their marathon, 59 percent chose the classic “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey.

A dash of style

A flair for fashion fires up runners.

Almost three-quarters (73 percent) of respondents agree that attractive running gear motivates them to get up and out the door.

Dress to impress! Frequent racers (who are accustomed to having fans cheer them on) are more motivated by attractive running apparel than those who compete infrequently (88 percent vs. 58 percent).

Rise and run

Runners have strong opinions about when, where, and with whom they run:

When? Early risers lead the bunch with 42 percent preferring to run before the sun rises. Scattered Sprinters – those who run whenever they have the time – follow with 29 percent, trailed by Lunchtime Lungers (16 percent) and Night Owls (12 percent).

Where? Open trails and scenic views are calling. Forty-two percent have, at least once, picked a vacation for its bevvy of running options.

Who? Partnering up is preferable, with 59 percent saying a jog with a buddy makes it easier to stay on track.

Learn more about Brooks Running Company at:

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