Portland Parks Acquires 25-Acre Gateway Green Property


Portland, Ore.

Photo at right: An off-road biker pauses to survey the Gateway Green property. Photo courtesy of the Build Gateway Green campaign and Portland Parks & Recreation

An island of unused land at the confluence of two freeways takes another step toward becoming a new city park in east Portland, and a regional off-road biking destination.

Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) has acquired the 25-acre Gateway Green property, with plans, in concert with Friends of Gateway Green, to build an off-road biking facility on the land.

On Aug. 27, the Portland City Council unanimously authorized the land transfer from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) using funds from System Development Charges (SDCs) – not tax dollars.

SDCs are fees paid by developers to support the increased infrastructure required when homes and businesses are built; $19,300 in SDCs will help fund the land acquisition.

“It is wonderful to take the next step on Gateway Green, an open space long envisioned for outdoor recreation,” says City Parks Commissioner Amanda Fritz. “The location between I-205 and I-84 will boost Portland’s visibility as a world-class bike-friendly city, and is a tremendous use of the underutilized land … It will be an important addition to our infrastructure that enhances wildlife habitat and recreation for children, families and seniors.”

Gateway Green is located at the confluence of two freeways. Photo courtesy of the Build Gateway Green campaign and Portland Parks & Recreation

The brainchild of two dedicated community members – Linda Robinson and Ted Gilbert – Gateway Green has blossomed into a regional project that involves and is supported by multiple partners, including ODOT, PP&R, Oregon State Parks, Metro and the City of Maywood Park, as well as bicycle, environmental and neighborhood groups, which are working together to realize the original vision.

For more information about Friends of Gateway Green (FOGG), go to: www.gatewaygreenpdx.org

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