A Writer’s Life Post Training Wheels


Editor’s Note

By Kris Parfitt

Photo at right: Managing Editor Kris Parfitt is all smiles after removing her training wheels. Circa 1974

To say that I am excited to introduce myself as the new editor of OutdoorsNW magazine, a sister publication of NW Cyclist, would be a gross injustice to the word “excited.” If I had a tail, it would be wagging uncontrollably.

Our annual NW Cyclist edition inspired me to think back to my first experience on a bike. Over Christmas of 1973 I was given my first two-wheeler (with a groovy green and yellow banana-seat, no less!).

It was clear from the start that until I mastered the art of balance while pedaling and braking (minor details in the mind of a five-year-old), training wheels were in order.

As stubborn as I was about learning to ride without training wheels (I wanted to keep them on), my mom didn’t give up on me. And despite the mutual frustration with each other that sunny April afternoon when we took them off, we were both elated when I successfully rode to the end of the cul-de-sac without falling.

Oh the freedom! The wind tussling my short blonde hair (bike helmets were unheard of in the early 1970s), and my big toothless grin were evidence that I had graduated into Big Girl status.

Now some—ahem—40 years later I’m feeling the same excitement. I’ve been a writer since the same age I learned to ride, and a published writer for a little less than a decade. My editors have been my training wheels for making my work look like it came from a somewhat decent writer.

Now that I’ve graduated to editor-status it’s my publisher and you, dear OutdoorsNW readers, who will keep me balanced and pedaling forward. You see, it still requires a certain type of support to edit our outstanding contributors’ stories, upgrade the magazine and engage with a broader readership.

While the OutdoorsNW team has big plans for the future of this magazine, we will not lose sight of the fact that we are writing for you, our adventurous outdoors-loving readers.

I invite you to help us share the stories you find most inspiring, engaging and educational by connecting with us by email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and soon via Instagram. We love hearing from you about the good, the bad and the ugly because our commitment to a quality publication is anchored in your voices.

Thanks for the support and I look forward to seeing your photos, hearing about your road-trips and race experiences, and reading your pitches for story ideas.

With tail a’wagging,

Email Kris here >>

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