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Northwest Beer Festival Guide

The Pacific Northwest may well be the center of the craft beer universe – or at least in the U.S. – judging by the number of small brewpubs, as well as the nearly religious fanaticism with which beer lovers treat the region.
Features , Misc , Recent Articles , Travel
The 2011 Gnarly Awards

With many years of running and roughly 100 races (run or volunteered) under our collective belts, our panel met up over dinner and a couple pitchers to hammer out the categories, nominees, and most memorable Northwest courses our legs have carried us over.
Choosing the Right Hiking Pass

What pass will you need this summer to park at your favorite trailhead? If the recent passage of a new user fee for Washington state recreation lands has you scrambling to figure out which passes you’ll need this summer, you’re not alone.
Catching up with James Varner

You’d be hard-pressed to find a trail runner in the Pacific Northwest who doesn’t know, or at least know about, James Varner. The 33-year-old fireball of energy can be found at the dozen races he directs each year under the name Rainshadow Running, usually clad in plaid flannel, bleary-eyed from lack of sleep, but never without a grin on his face.
Bend: Trail Town USA

For every athlete in every discipline, there is a Mecca. Ski bums gravitate to Jackson Hole, mountain bikers go to Moab, and surfers flock to Oahu. For trail running enthusiasts, the mother lode lies in Bend.
Features , Recent Articles , Running , Travel
Beer-Geek Speak

Alcohol By Weight (ABW) and Alcohol By Volume (ABV): After Prohibition in America, breweries wanted their beers to seem more temperate, so they used the alcohol-content-measurement system that provided the lowest number, which is ABW (alcohol is lighter than water).
Features , Misc , Recent Articles , Travel
Team LUNA Chix

Let’s face it: the cycling world can sometimes be a little bit intimidating for women. If you’re not comfortable with the gear and the lingo…
Miles of Smiles: Victoria’s Galloping Goose

The voyage across the Strait of Juan de Fuca didn’t bode well. My husband and I looked forward to spending a weekend cycling around Victoria, British Columbia with our two school-age sons, but…
Alternative Fitness

Making the decision to be active isn’t the hard part. It’s deciding how to be active that serves up a real challenge. With cities, mountains, volcanoes…
Folding Bikes: Just unfold and go!

Scott Kralik of Seattle is an avid cyclist, but it wasn’t until he traveled to China that he considered buying a folding bike. “I saw small bikes and folding bikes all over the place,” says Kralik…