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Kids’ Triathlons: Strong and growing

2007 Emmett Tri 072

An increasing number of local triathlons are including events for junior competitors. Kids’ events are generally shorter than adult competitions and are adjusted for specific age classes…

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Features , Multisport



Eschewing the grand sight of Mount Baker to the best of my ability, I crouched into a tall boulder on Sucia Island known as “the birth canal.” I soon learned the reason for this odd nomenclature as I scaled its internal slippery walls…

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Features , Travel , Watersports

Why you should “Separate Water Molecules”


You’re at this end of the pool, preparing to swim to that end. How will you get there? “Silly question,” you say. “I’ll get there by pulling and kicking.” Well, a quick lesson in “fluid mechanics”…

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Features , Multisport , Watersports

Why are Girls on the Run?


I remember one of my first pair of “tennie runners“ when I was a young girl. They had photos of the Beatles’ faces all over their white canvas. Wow, did I think those were cool…

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Features , Running

When you ‘Half’ to Run

When you Half to Run

Half marathons are the hip and happening race distance in the running world right now, sometimes as a 13.1-mile stand-alone distance garnering tens of thousands of runners, sometimes selling out ahead of their full 26.2-mile counterparts…

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Features , Running

Sports Nutrition


Sports Nutrition philosophies vary and many include short-cuts, such as meal-replacement foods. While practical, and perhaps cost-effective, nothing replaces good solid nutritional fundamentals when approaching sports performance…

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Features , Walking

The Lowdown on Cotton Socks


People often spend plenty of time looking for the perfect shoe. But few take the time to find the perfect sock. That’s too bad, because if you don’t pair the proper sock with your shoe, you’ll increase your risk of blisters…

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Features , Walking

Oregon’s Giant Sandbox


The Oregon dunes are the largest expanse of coastal sand dunes in the U.S. and stretch for 50 miles between Florence and Coos Bay along the famous Oregon coast…

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Features , Fitness

Spring Training in Threes


With the long, sunshine-filled days of summer stretching ahead, you might be giving some thought to ramping up your fitness level this spring. Like a supportive friend, the Northwest is here for you…

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Features , Fitness , Multisport , Running

Ski to Sea: Epic Race Celebrates 100 years!

Ski to Summit

The Ski to Sea Race every Memorial Weekend is seen as the kickoff to summer in Whatcom County. In 2011, the week-long festivities will celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the original race…

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Features , Multisport , Snowsports