October 25, 2012 Buzz: Outdoors News Shorts

Seattle Ski Show
Ski Fever is here! The annual ski and snowboard extravaganza rolls into Seattle this weekend, Oct. 26–28, and into Portland Nov. 2–4. There will be a huge ski swap and discounted gear galore, in addition to film entertainment in the Freeride Theater and live ski and snowboard tricks at the Live2Ride Railjam Contest. Come stop by the Outdoors NW booth and pick up our hot-off-the press edition of the NW SnowSports, while sampling offerings from our friends at Yoga Earth. Seattle’s show is at the Washington State Convention Center and the Portland Show is at the Expo Center. Snow is already falling in the mountains — come get your stoke on. www.skifever.org
Yellowstone Ski Festival
Nordic skiers! It’s not too late to make plans to head out to the Yellowstone Ski Festival, Nov. 20–24. It’s been a destination for Nordic enthusiasts for more than 30 years. The four-day festival includes clinics, classes, demos and races, and is great for beginners and experts alike. Highlights include a beer tasting, an 80s Dance Party, and keynote speech by Murray Banks, world class triathlete and skier.
For more information and to sign up for clinics, go to www.yellowstoneskifestival.com
Tubbs Romp to Stomp
Registration is open for the biggest snowshoe race series in the country. The Washington and Oregon races will be on Feb. 2 and Feb. 9 respectively. In the spirit of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, register for the Tubbs Romp to Stomp out Breast Cancer Snowshoe Series during the month of October and you will be automatically entered to win a pair of Tubbs Snowshoes. Register here: www.tubbsromptostomp.com